Dachau Massacre
- Execution of Nazi Guards during Dachau Liberation Reprisals - World War 2

8 March 2022

Category: World War 2 Other

Dachau Concentration camp, located about 10 miles from Munich was established in March 1933 as the first of notorious German Nazi concentration camps. When the US army liberated the camp on April 29 1945, the soldiers c found tens of railroad cars filled with thousands of dead bodies, and 30 thousand survivors who looked like walking skeletons. While the camp’s commandant Martin Weiss had fled the camp before the US soldiers arrived, there were still SS guards left in the camp who were allegedly shooting on the liberators.

After the SS guards surrendered, the US soldiers further expected the camp. They were shocked and angered and brutal response was to come. The SS guards were lined up along this wall in the coal yard and by the guard tower and shot by the US soldiers in a revenge. Even the prisoners beat serveral SS men to death. Until today it is unclear how many SS guards were killed. It is estimated that the number is somewhere between 30 and 50. Nobody has ever stood trial before the court for this reprisal. General Patton, then military governor of Bavaria, dismissed all the charges. Out of around 200 thousand people who were imprisoned in Dachau concentration camp during its 12 years existence, approximately 41 500 people were murdered.

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Viewers Wrote

Jonathan Albright
13 July 2022

Love your videos! This one is my favorite because I been interested in the revolt at Sobibor and I got interested in Niemann's story and the albums that were found. What makes his album special is that before they were uncovered the only photos, we had of Sobibor were taken after the camp was shut down and we only saw the ruins of the camp. Niemann's album show us for the first-time photos of the Sobibor extermination camp while it was in operation. Again awesome video!

Alan Stapleton
23 August 2022

An incredible video, punctuated by the faces of the victims of tyranny and evil. I have no words for the horror, and, somehow even less understanding of the depths of depravity that humanity can sink.

Brandy Morgan
5 August 2022

This hurts my heart so much, every year we do something about the Holocaust in my class-we will never forget how cruel times and people can be. Wonderful video, will use it in our class this year :)

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