Execution of August Bogusch
- German Nazi Guard in Auschwitz Concentration Camp - Holocaust - WW2

23 March 2022

Category: Male Nazi Guards

August Bogusch was born on August 5, 1890 in Lubliniec, then part of the German Empire. He used to work as a clerk and in June 1921 he married Eugenie Mandel. In October 1932 Bogusch joined the Nazi Party and in April 1933 he joined the SS. In 1939 Bogusch was sent to Buchenwald concentration camp but he committed his worst atrocities in Auschwitz where he came in January 1941. As a guard, Bogusch had a special hatred for the Polish prisoners, and used to beat them for no reason. August Bogusch also took part in selections of Jewish transports in the summer of 1943 and the transfer of some of them to the gas chambers.

Captured by the Allies

In Auschwitz concentration camp he also worked as a block leader. Bogusch watched all the prisoners all the time, checking if they were working and constantly pushing them to work harder. After the end of the war, August Bogusch had to finally face justice and pay for his crimes. He was captured by the Allies and handed over to the Polish authorities. Bogusch was tried at the Auschwitz Trial which began on November 24, 1947 and sentenced August Bogusch to death by hanging. He was 57 years old when he was executed on 28 January 1948.

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Viewers Wrote

Kendra Hansen
4 October 2022

Thank you for another amazing and well done video. I learned so much from this video and had no idea about the scope of the discrimination against this particular community. I have never seen some of the footage in your videos so thank you for sharing it.

Tony McDonnly
21 July 2022

I love this presentation. It's one of the best videos on Anne Frank and her family. It is true it is believed she and her sister Margot died in February, not March, one day apart. Visit Amsterdam. Visit the Anne Frank Huis Museum. Read The Diary of Anne Frank. Excellent read. There is one thing the narrator forgot to say: "There were tears shed for Anne, Margot, Edith, and the others who died from the Secret Annex."

Rabbi Linscher
21 October 2022

Excellent study of this evil beast... thank you!

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