BRUTAL Irene Haschke
- Female Nazi Guard at Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp - The Holocaust - WW2

9 May 2022

Category: Female Nazi Guards

Irene Haschke was born on 16th February 1921 in Friedeberg, then part of the German Empire. She became a member of The League of German Girls which was the female section of Hitler Youth. This official youth organization of the Nazi Party in Germany indoctrinated young people with Nazi racial ideology and managed to turn a generation of German kids, such as Irene Haschke, into Nazis. On February 28 1945 she arrived in Bergen Belsen.

Captured by the British forces

Here, she supervised a wood Kommando working outside the camp and then she started to work in the kitchen. After Bergen Belsen’s liberation, Irene Haschke was captured by the British forces. She was tried at the Belsen Trial which began on the 17 of September 1945.

The British Military tribunal found Irene Haschke guilty and sentenced her to 10 years imprisonment. Unlike Irma Grese, she avoided the death sentence and, at the end, spent only 5 years in prison until she was released in December, 1951. Nothing more is known about her later life.

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Viewers Wrote

Kendra Hansen
26 September 2022

This was one horrible man. Thank you so much for your informative and detailed videos. Although the subject is sad and frightening it is important to preserve history and you have done it so well.

Simons Matthew
28 July 2022

Fantastically presented videos. The narrator is also superb. You are doing an enormous service. We must never forget these crimes - especially the Holocaust. It would be good if you also covered Belzec and Christian Wirth.

Allan Anderson
23 July 2022

Excellent documentary. Keep up your great work. I had to turn the television off and watch this documentary just to relax.

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